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Related to satirise: satirization


Past participle: satirised
Gerund: satirising

I satirise
you satirise
he/she/it satirises
we satirise
you satirise
they satirise
I satirised
you satirised
he/she/it satirised
we satirised
you satirised
they satirised
Present Continuous
I am satirising
you are satirising
he/she/it is satirising
we are satirising
you are satirising
they are satirising
Present Perfect
I have satirised
you have satirised
he/she/it has satirised
we have satirised
you have satirised
they have satirised
Past Continuous
I was satirising
you were satirising
he/she/it was satirising
we were satirising
you were satirising
they were satirising
Past Perfect
I had satirised
you had satirised
he/she/it had satirised
we had satirised
you had satirised
they had satirised
I will satirise
you will satirise
he/she/it will satirise
we will satirise
you will satirise
they will satirise
Future Perfect
I will have satirised
you will have satirised
he/she/it will have satirised
we will have satirised
you will have satirised
they will have satirised
Future Continuous
I will be satirising
you will be satirising
he/she/it will be satirising
we will be satirising
you will be satirising
they will be satirising
Present Perfect Continuous
I have been satirising
you have been satirising
he/she/it has been satirising
we have been satirising
you have been satirising
they have been satirising
Future Perfect Continuous
I will have been satirising
you will have been satirising
he/she/it will have been satirising
we will have been satirising
you will have been satirising
they will have been satirising
Past Perfect Continuous
I had been satirising
you had been satirising
he/she/it had been satirising
we had been satirising
you had been satirising
they had been satirising
I would satirise
you would satirise
he/she/it would satirise
we would satirise
you would satirise
they would satirise
Past Conditional
I would have satirised
you would have satirised
he/she/it would have satirised
we would have satirised
you would have satirised
they would have satirised
Collins English Verb Tables © HarperCollins Publishers 2011
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Verb1.satirise - ridicule with satire; "The writer satirized the politician's proposal"
blackguard, guy, jest at, laugh at, make fun, poke fun, ridicule, roast, rib - subject to laughter or ridicule; "The satirists ridiculed the plans for a new opera house"; "The students poked fun at the inexperienced teacher"; "His former students roasted the professor at his 60th birthday"
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
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(ˈsӕtaiə) noun
(a piece of) writing etc that makes someone look foolish. a satire on university life.
saˈtirical (-ˈti-) adjective
1. of satire. satirical writing.
2. mocking. in a satirical mood.
ˈsatirist (-ˈti-) noun
a person who writes or performs satire(s).
ˈsatirize, ˈsatirise (-ti-) verb
to make look foolish by using satire.
Kernerman English Multilingual Dictionary © 2006-2013 K Dictionaries Ltd.
References in classic literature ?
Picking up one of the books, he began to read aloud, his intention being to satirise the short sharp bark of the writer's English; but she paid no attention, and after an interval of meditation exclaimed:
He also famously said that "whoever satirises his country is like those who satirise their mothers".
The latest Nike campaign revolves around a series of T-shirts branded with less-than-subtle slogans designed to satirise the very notion of satirising Nike, apparently.
The mannequin was used to satirise Maggie as a masculine monster in a pinstripe jacket and tie.