quo vadis

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quo vadis

(ˈkwəʊ ˈvɑːdɪs)
where are you going?
[Latin: from the Vulgate version of John 16:5]
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
References in periodicals archive ?
The PS10,000 third prize, went to Italian Massimiliano Pironti for Quo Vadis?, a portrait of his grandmother.
Among their topics are happiness in the routine of everyday life, using art therapy techniques to explore home life happiness, what the good life is: an overview of the good life at the University of Florida, quo vadis: fullness or emptiness in the pursuit of happiness, the subjective well-being of married women in and out of the workforce in Sri Lanka, and the sublime landscape.
The tracks are "Cappadocia", "Quo Vadis (Where Are You Going)?", "Valley of Swords and Roses", "Parousia (A Presence)", "That Which Is Hidden", "Chapel of Stone", "Dove Visions", and "Trinity".
We had no choice but to follow the star But refreshment beckoned, so we looked for a bar We ended up in friendly Formby village Me leading, still proceeding with our pilgrimage But the Gold was burning a hole in our trousers So we ended up drinking for hours and hours Should have gone westwards, but Woodwards was nearer We thought a few scoops would help us think clearer The Myrrh wasn't pleasant with its bitter perfume So the girls all left when we entered a room The Frankincense aroma nearly sent us to sleep We fell in Formby Pool, lucky it wasn't very deep We ditched the car and found a Bay Horse Do we head for Sorrento, no, the Left Bank of course Needed something to eat, so we went for our tea Not sure who to ask, Quo Vadis or Don Luigi?
SARAJEVO - 19.00 - Screening of two documentaries by Jasna A amiA, the first one dedicated to the student revolt in 1968 - marking the 50th anniversary "Quo Vadis 68", the second to Sarajevo and Paris and the belle epoque age - the Jewish Municipality
Her remark drew cheers and applause from the audience at the Integrated Bar of the Philippines-led forum Quo Vadis Quo Warranto on Thursday afternoon.
"When they set up Quo Vadis it was A la Carte, sophisticated cuisine and was one of the finest restaurants in the north of England.
aaEuropeas main task is to restore the spirit of solidarity, of common purpose and common destinyaa, the President of the Party of European Socialists Sergei Stanishev said at the international conference Quo Vadis Europe: Globalism vs.
The recording venue creates a spacious sound and the seamless playing of the American Brass and Quo Vadis Brass Quintets offer wonderful sonority.
1 QUO VADIS (1951) THE love of a Roman commander for a Christian hostage also starred Peter Ustinov as Emperor Nero.
CCTV footage in Glasgow's Quo Vadis bar shows the customer sending fellow drinkers, tables and chairs flying in 60 seconds of bedlam.