quite an

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Adv.1.quite an - of an unusually noticeable or exceptional or remarkable kind (not used with a negative); "her victory was quite something"; "she's quite a girl"; "quite a film"; "quite a walk"; "we've had quite an afternoon"
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References in classic literature ?
I really don't see why it shouldn't be tried, and I'm almost sure that, if you could only catch a Fairy, and put it in the corner, and give it nothing but bread and water for a day or two, you'd find it quite an improved character--it would take down its conceit a little, at all events.
The old man had quite an elaborate theory concern- ing the matter.
Moreover, there was the bracelet to admire; and when she had given it a good rub, and held it out at arm's length, it sparkled and glittered so beautifully on her wrist, that to look at it in every point of view and with every possible turn of the arm, was quite an absorbing business.
I have been brought up in an environment which was quite an exciting childhood." | Celebrities face first trial - Page 21
This is quite an appreciable stance which Islamabad has taken in the prevailing situation