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Related to pucelle: Jeanne d'Arc


obsolete a maid or virgin
Also called: puzzel
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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Born Jeanne la Pucelle in 1412 in Domremy, France, St.
Shakespeare associates Hannibal with unexpected defeat: Joan la Pucelle drives soldiers before her like bees with smoke: 'A witch, by fear, not force, like Hannibal, | Drives back our troops and conquers as she lists' (I Henry 6, I.
See Richard Hillman, Introd., Fronton Du Duc, The Tragic History of the Pucelle of Domremy Otherwise Known as the Maid of Orleans, Richard Hillman (ed.
Pucelle or puzzel, Dolphin or dogfish, Your hearts I'll stamp out with my horse's heels, And make a quagmire of your mingled brains.
Islamic, Italian, and French art flourished with certain leaders of creativity including, Leonardo Da Vinci, Jean Pucelle, Giotto di Bondone and Filippo Brunelleschi, artist and engineer.
One might as well ask what is being repressed by refusal to reference Joan la Pucelle in subsequent plays.
They have a long conversation in which their identities as "Graunde Amour" and "La Pucelle" are revealed, names apparently linking them back to the allegorical figures, bearing these names, at the centre of the earlier Pastime of Pleasure.