professional organisation

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ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun1.professional organisation - an organization of and for professional people
organization, organisation - a group of people who work together
professional, professional person - a person engaged in one of the learned professions
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References in periodicals archive ?
The PICPA Doha LLC(G) is a Qatar Financial Centre Authority (QFC) registered non-profit professional organisation, which is composed of finance staff, finance heads and accountants of diversified businesses varied industries such as oil and gas, construction, retail, service, consultancy, all ranging from multi-national companies to locally-based companies.
Within the Ministry of Defence, CS is, as the largest professional organisation, a central part of the direct negotiations.
THE architects and the electrical engineers gained the big bragging rights among the Philippine Professional Organisation (PPO) of Bahrain this week, as they stormed to victory in the annual Eid Al Fitr sports tournaments.
LAWYER Rebecca Bradley has taken a key step forward in her career - by gaining membership of an influential professional organisation.
I am writing to express my disappointment and displeasure in what I had considered to be a professional organisation that upheld the Code of Rights.
Ms Yap-Bahjin is the patron of the organisation while the presidents for each professional organisation are, Ariel Malaguena (PSME), Carlitos Daria (IIEE), Dr Quitevis (PICPA), Oscar Francisco (PICE) and Robert Fabros (UAP).
The position is challenged by fisheries professional organisations. Europeche, the fisheries section of Cogeca and the European Transport Workers' Federation (ETF) have decided to join forces to express their concerns over a future ban on trade in bluefin tuna.
The appeal of the site is its YouTube style access, for users of any age to create their own detailed profiles and to add video clips showcasing their talent and skills whilst simultaneously providing an additional resource to professional organisations to find the stars of the future.
A statement issued in 2006 by the Partnership for Maternal, Newborn and Child Health (PMNCH) has made clear the significant role played by health care professional organisations in advancing the wellbeing of women, babies and their families.

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