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They also identified trigonelline -- a plant hormone -- as the active component in Sakurajima Daikon that appears to promote a cascade of changes in coronary blood vessels resulting in improved nitric oxide production.
They also identified trigonelline, a plant hormone, as the active component in Sakurajima Daikon that appears to promote a cascade of changes in coronary blood vessels resulting in improved nitric oxide production.-- IANS
Application of appropriate plant hormone concentrations to the base of cuttings is extremely important for asexual propagation via cuttings, and optimal concentrations vary across fruit species (HARTMANN et al., 2011).
"So when the plant hormone is low, we get seeds set on every single one of the flowers.
They have also been reported to produce plant hormone and to solubilize phosphate, and play a role in decomposition and nutrient mineralization (Ngoma et al., 2013; H Etesami et al., 2014; Laid et al., 2014).
Ethylene is a gaseous plant hormone that has been related to the fruit ripening, senescence, flowering, and in several processes involving in the perception and signaling of external stimulus (Tsuchisaka et al., 2009; Davies, 2010; Taiz & Zeiger, 2013).
As the results of the analysis shown in Table 2, we observed 19 differential genes in the plant hormone signal transduction pathway (ko04075).
Basically, ethylene is a plant hormone. Our word "hormone" derives from the Greek "hormon" meaning "to set in motion" and that is just what ethylene does.
Zeatin is plant hormone that accelerate plant growth and cell division.