piece of land

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Noun1.piece of land - an extended area of landpiece of land - an extended area of land    
baseball diamond, infield, diamond - the area of a baseball field that is enclosed by 3 bases and home plate
center field, centerfield, center - the piece of ground in the outfield directly ahead of the catcher; "he hit the ball to deep center"
left field, leftfield, left - the piece of ground in the outfield on the catcher's left; "the batter flied out to left"
outfield - the area of a baseball playing field beyond the lines connecting the bases
right field, rightfield, right - the piece of ground in the outfield on the catcher's right
short - the location on a baseball field where the shortstop is stationed
railway yard, railyard, yard - an area having a network of railway tracks and sidings for storage and maintenance of cars and engines
desert - arid land with little or no vegetation
oasis - a fertile tract in a desert (where the water table approaches the surface)
battlefield, battleground, field of battle, field of honor, field - a region where a battle is being (or has been) fought; "they made a tour of Civil War battlefields"
minefield - a region in which explosives mines have been placed
breeding ground - a place where animals breed
clearing, glade - a tract of land with few or no trees in the middle of a wooded area
field - a piece of land cleared of trees and usually enclosed; "he planted a field of wheat"
field of fire - the area that a weapon or group of weapons can cover effectively with gun fire from a given position
grounds - a tract of land cleared for some special purposes (recreation or burial etc.)
athletic field, playing area, playing field, field - a piece of land prepared for playing a game; "the home crowd cheered when Princeton took the field"
industrial park - a tract of land at a distance from city center that is designed for a cluster of businesses and factories
grassland - land where grass or grasslike vegetation grows and is the dominant form of plant life
mud flat - a tract of low muddy land near an estuary; covered at high tide and exposed at low tide
parade ground - an area for holding parades
fairground - an open area for holding fairs or exhibitions or circuses
midway - the place at a fair or carnival where sideshows and similar amusements are located
fairway - a tract of ground free of obstacles to movement
park, parkland - a large area of land preserved in its natural state as public property; "there are laws that protect the wildlife in this park"
common, commons, green, park - a piece of open land for recreational use in an urban area; "they went for a walk in the park"
picnic area, picnic ground - a tract of land set aside for picnicking
public square, square - an open area at the meeting of two or more streets
toll plaza - an area where tollbooths are located
range - a large tract of grassy open land on which livestock can graze; "they used to drive the cattle across the open range every spring"; "he dreamed of a home on the range"
sector - a portion of a military position
land site, site - the piece of land on which something is located (or is to be located); "a good site for the school"
subdivision - an area composed of subdivided lots
mine field - a tract of land containing explosive mines
terrain - a piece of ground having specific characteristics or military potential; "they decided to attack across the rocky terrain"
plot of ground, plot of land, patch, plot - a small area of ground covered by specific vegetation; "a bean plot"; "a cabbage patch"; "a briar patch"
lot - a parcel of land having fixed boundaries; "he bought a lot on the lake"
yard - a tract of land enclosed for particular activities (sometimes paved and usually associated with buildings); "they opened a repair yard on the edge of town"
yard - a tract of land where logs are accumulated
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References in classic literature ?
I guess our race has been on the tramp since the beginning of creation, just like we'll be, looking for a piece of land that looked good to settle down on."
You know that little piece of land across the brook that runs up between our farm and Mr.
You must take what you can get and be thankful, for servants live in fear when they have young lords for their masters; and this is my misfortune now, for heaven has hindered the return of him who would have been always good to me and given me something of my own--a house, a piece of land, a good looking wife, and all else that a liberal master allows a servant who has worked hard for him, and whose labour the gods have prospered as they have mine in the situation which I hold.
Small as were his chances of finding any housewife in her dwelling at a time when every one was hard at work in the fields, he stopped before a little cluster of cottages that stood about a piece of land common to all of them, more or less describing a square, which was open to all comers.
Then the king knew that he must be the valiant offspring of a god, so he kept him in Lycia, gave him his daughter in marriage, and made him of equal honour in the kingdom with himself; and the Lycians gave him a piece of land, the best in all the country, fair with vineyards and tilled fields, to have and to hold.
The residue of the property was to be devoted to the erection and endowment of almshouses for old men, to be called Featherstone's Alms-Houses, and to be built on a piece of land near Middlemarch already bought for the purpose by the testator, he wishing--so the document declared--to please God Almighty.
[2] In Tierra del Fuego trees grow only on the hillsides; every level piece of land being invariably covered by a thick bed of peat; but in Chiloe flat land supports the most luxuriant forests.
It was now easy to yoke the bulls, and to harness them to the plow, which had lain rusting on the ground for a great many years gone by; so long was it before anybody could be found capable of plowing that piece of land. Jason, I suppose, had been taught how to draw a furrow by the good old Chiron, who, perhaps, used to allow himself to be harnessed to the plow.
Summary: Amritsar (Punjab) [India], Aug 15 (ANI): Shiromani Akali Dal (SAD) president Sukhbir Singh Badal on Thursday said the SAD-BJP delegation will soon meet Prime Minister Narendra Modi urging him to provide a piece of land for rebuilding of Shri Guru Ravidas temple which was demolished by the Delhi Development Authority (DDA) after the apex court order recently.
According to ACE Haripur circle officer Tanvir Ahmad, a probe was launched into the complaint of Islamabad-based Raja Asif about the fake transfer deed of a piece of land already donated to the Taleemul Quran madressah in Kotnajibullab village.
FAISALABAD -- The Water and Sanitation Agency's (WASA) latest project, a waste disposal station on a piece of land in Dawood Nagar, has drawn criticism from the local community.Reportedly, the station is being constructed to facilitate three million people facing sanitation problems in the locality.
The order, issued July 9, followed non-compliance of similar ones against the appellant over the same piece of land, prompting the tribunal to repeat itself by ordering for submission of paginated buddle within 14 days by the appellant to the respondents.