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adj, perseverantly
Collins German Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007
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Le General de Corps d'Armee n'a pas manque de saisir cette opportunite pour donner de nombreuses orientations, valorisant le travail devoue et perseverant fourni par les personnels de cette unite et de toutes les unites de la Region, au service de leur Armee et de leur Patrie.
You have to know that, and you have to be very perseverant and believe very much in yourself and have a tremendous personality so you don't get upset or scared that they're going to defeat you," he said.
[beaucoup moins que]Notre volonte d'organiser des rencontres comme celle-la, traduit notre parti pris pour un dialogue perseverant et un rapprochement permanent des cultures, a une epoque ou tout tend a le rendre vain voir possible[beaucoup plus grand que], a-t-il note.
Curious, adventurous and perseverant; Moharrak never seems to give up, even in the face of adversities that could likely kill her.
He encourages civil society and the people to be tenacious, perseverant and determined despite the might of the opposition.
In April, Geagea commented on Iran's stance, saying, "The Iranian ambassador has told the Western diplomats to ask the Vatican to convince Aoun to withdraw his nomination so that the presidential election can be held." How do you perceive such an allegation and why is Hezbollah still perseverant on boycotting the parliament sessions to elect a president?
Jreij explained that Article 189 in the abovementioned law prevented the prosecution of anyone who has proved to be perseverant and drugs-clean, assuring that the law stipulates having the treatment at the expense of the State.
(Rufus, Cookie, Bambi, and Zorra prove as irrepressible as the kids in With Six You Get Eggroll.) Seemingly unimpaired by his own long-term HIV infection, Nuno devotes his existence to others, primarily his husband and their mutts, but also neighbors such as the perseverant Deolinda (whose ancient body is at metaphoric odds, with the means by which she communicates with her family back home in France: Facebook).
Perseverant sur la voie tracee par Son auguste pere, SM le Roi Mohammed VI accorde un interet particulier aux provinces du sud en y assurant un essor economique et en consolidant la mobilisation nationale pour dejouer toutes les conspirations des ennemis de l'integrite territoriale du Maroc.
In the end, the Assistant Chief of Staff presented the graduates with certificates and awarded the top achievers, calling upon them to work hard and be perseverant in order to ensure the success of their military career.
"Latino entrepreneurs are some of the most resilient, resourceful and perseverant business owners in the world," Vela said.