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tr.v. out·bal·anced, out·bal·anc·ing, out·bal·anc·es
To exceed in influence or significance; outweigh.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


another word for outweigh
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014


(ˌaʊtˈbæl əns)

v.t. -anced, -anc•ing.
to outweigh.
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.


Past participle: outbalanced
Gerund: outbalancing

I outbalance
you outbalance
he/she/it outbalances
we outbalance
you outbalance
they outbalance
I outbalanced
you outbalanced
he/she/it outbalanced
we outbalanced
you outbalanced
they outbalanced
Present Continuous
I am outbalancing
you are outbalancing
he/she/it is outbalancing
we are outbalancing
you are outbalancing
they are outbalancing
Present Perfect
I have outbalanced
you have outbalanced
he/she/it has outbalanced
we have outbalanced
you have outbalanced
they have outbalanced
Past Continuous
I was outbalancing
you were outbalancing
he/she/it was outbalancing
we were outbalancing
you were outbalancing
they were outbalancing
Past Perfect
I had outbalanced
you had outbalanced
he/she/it had outbalanced
we had outbalanced
you had outbalanced
they had outbalanced
I will outbalance
you will outbalance
he/she/it will outbalance
we will outbalance
you will outbalance
they will outbalance
Future Perfect
I will have outbalanced
you will have outbalanced
he/she/it will have outbalanced
we will have outbalanced
you will have outbalanced
they will have outbalanced
Future Continuous
I will be outbalancing
you will be outbalancing
he/she/it will be outbalancing
we will be outbalancing
you will be outbalancing
they will be outbalancing
Present Perfect Continuous
I have been outbalancing
you have been outbalancing
he/she/it has been outbalancing
we have been outbalancing
you have been outbalancing
they have been outbalancing
Future Perfect Continuous
I will have been outbalancing
you will have been outbalancing
he/she/it will have been outbalancing
we will have been outbalancing
you will have been outbalancing
they will have been outbalancing
Past Perfect Continuous
I had been outbalancing
you had been outbalancing
he/she/it had been outbalancing
we had been outbalancing
you had been outbalancing
they had been outbalancing
I would outbalance
you would outbalance
he/she/it would outbalance
we would outbalance
you would outbalance
they would outbalance
Past Conditional
I would have outbalanced
you would have outbalanced
he/she/it would have outbalanced
we would have outbalanced
you would have outbalanced
they would have outbalanced
Collins English Verb Tables © HarperCollins Publishers 2011
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Verb1.outbalance - weigh more heavily; "these considerations outweigh our wishes"
dominate, predominate, prevail, reign, rule - be larger in number, quantity, power, status or importance; "Money reigns supreme here"; "Hispanics predominate in this neighborhood"
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
References in periodicals archive ?
Surpluses to growAlso, surpluses in the foreign trade balance should increase, despite a negative April, due to new production capacities within the car industry, Korsak added, as reported by SITA."New capacities in the automotive industry should also outbalance the weakening economic growth of our business partners," said Korsak, "and thus maintain the surplus in the year-on-year turnover growth in foreign trade.
Al-Naemi said the "good organisation," variety of activities, and dedication of Aspire's logistical and human resources was the result of hundreds of hours of planning and preparation to organise its 2019 NSD event "in a way that reflects the place of Aspire Zone at the heart the community." Young girls trying to outbalance each other in one of the inflatable games at Aspire Park.
" He added, "If there is no alliance between the construction and reform coalitions, there will not be a strong bloc because any party ally with any of the two coalitions will outbalance one of them and will have requests and conditions and concessions will be offered to this party, and the loser will be the Iraqi people only." He called on the Prime Minister to take the concerned ministers with him and go to the province of Basra and not to return to Baghdad until the end of the crisis experienced by the province through forming a crisis cell away from propaganda.
Unswerving, disinterested devotion to the principle of universal liberty, and to those noble traditions that have always opened the gates of this country to the suffering and oppressed, will far, far outbalance any hurt that may for a time result from the presence with us of the suffering and oppressed.
(138) But risk of some added difficulty in obtaining execution drugs should not outbalance the public's interest in ensuring that states' methods of execution comport with society's "evolving standards of decency." Nor does the risk of added difficulty in finding suppliers explain why the identity of sources is, in some states, protected even from prisoners facing execution and the judges overseeing their cases.
Common interests such as poverty reduction, sustainable economic development, the need for financial support and technology transfer and the imbalance of global power mostly outbalance individual climate change positions (Bodansky, 2001; Yamin and Depledge, 2004).
He added that private sector investments have declined during the past years and that the government has started to inject investments into the market in order to outbalance the decline.
In addition, institutional managers have divested assets to outbalance government deficits.
But even in this context, competing unjust enrichment concerns should not automatically outbalance free speech interests.
Prices and rental rates are expected to remain stably below their pre-downturn levels as supply continues to outbalance demand.