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Adj.1.non-conducting - not able to conduct heat or electricity or sound
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References in classic literature ?
Their methods are as reasonable as to try to pour some precious stuff from the spring to the reservoir through a non-conducting pipe, which could by the least effort be opened.
The SAE106S features a large non-conducting ABS plastic-base for supporting the PCB being examined.
They said the university was facing academic crisis as well as administrative issues due to non-conducting of senate secession.They said due to ineligibility of administration, the final list of MS and PhD admissions could not be issued even after seven months of advertisement's publication.
For the experiment, each volunteer sat on a non-conducting wooden chair within a "Faraday cage" that blocked out interfering electromagnetic fields.
operate at room temperature (without the need for expensive supercooling), 'switch' between conducting (1) and non-conducting (0), and switch extremely rapidly, by application of an electric field."
The converter operation has been divided into four modes as, Stage A unlike boost mode (power transferring mode), Stage B (Auxiliary stage), Stage C (Resonating mode), Stage D (Freewheel mode) and Stages E & F as non-conducting mode (Turn-off).
It may be added here that the UoS syndicate had constituted a committee in this regard which would decide the financial impact of non-conducting final examination of the students of sub-campus Lahore and fix the responsibility for the financial losses caused to the university and compromising the quality of education.
Fires involving energized electrical equipment where a non-conducting gaseous clean agent or smothering agent is needed.
Intrinsically conducting polymer PANI is used as matrix and the non-conducting polymer PEO is used as filler.
Non-ferrous (NR probes are suitable for non-conducting coatings on non-ferrous metals, such as aluminium, aluminium alloys, non-magnetic stainless steels, copper, zinc, etc.

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