nimbostratus cloud

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nimbostratus cloud

- Can drop precipitation but has no lightning or thunder.
See also related terms for lightning.
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The middle region includes altostratus, altocumulus, and nimbostratus clouds, which are between 6,000 and 20,000 feet.
However, after crossing the Ohio River into West Virginia, the pilot saw a dark area of precipitation looming ahead, and began entering layers of altostratus and nimbostratus clouds.
Satellite imagery at 1745 indicated a layer of low to mid-level stratocumulus to nimbostratus clouds, with cloud tops near 20,000 feet.
It's like being armed with a weapon that ensures not only your protection from the elements but also makes nimbostratus clouds beat a hasty retreat.
NIMBOSTRATUS CLOUDS - These are dark grey or bluish grey featureless layers of clouds, thick enough to block out the sun.