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 (nĭ-gō′shə-bəl, -shē-ə-)
1. Capable of being discussed in an effort to reach an agreement: negotiable demands.
2. Capable of being traveled over or through; passable: a negotiable road.
a. Transferable from one person to another: negotiable securities.
b. Transferable from one person to another by means of endorsement: checks and other negotiable instruments.

ne·go′tia·bil′i·ty n.
ne·go′tia·bly adv.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
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Other features of the LTNCD include tax exemption on interest income for individual investors if held for at least five years; quarterly interest payments; deposit insurance coverage with the PDIC up to a maximum of P500,000 per depositor; and negotiability subject to market conditions.
Features of the LTNCD include tax exemption on interest income for individual investors if held for at least five years, quarterly interest payments, deposit insurance coverage with the PDIC up to a maximum of P500,000 per depositor, and negotiability subject to market conditions.
Former Brexit minister Steve Baker, one of the amendment's backers, said "negotiability is a dynamic concept".
Negotiability of a promissory note will increase its value, which could make it an available nonexempt resource.
In the 2016 Journal article, the author predicted that, in deciding the negotiability issue, which was a novel question when the article was published, PERC would rule that it is a mandatory subject of bargaining for two reasons.
Summary: TEHRAN (FNA)- Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said that Western states are demonstrating a lack of negotiability by their stance on the Syrian crisis, as their actions on the ground are in violation of UNSC Resolution 2401.
Prices in recent quarters have adjusted to reflect supply and demand conditions among different price points, and the 5 percent increase in median price to $ 1.068 million reflected the strength of the core $3 million and under market, while the 7 percent annual decrease of average price to $1,879 million supported the narrative that rising supply continues to put downward pressure on prices at the higher end of the market, where discounts and negotiability are prevalent.
These must be selected depending upon the term and the negotiability of the goal.
COMPANY: Bondholders want security, negotiability, liquidity, punctuality, and banality.
The Negotiability of Debt in Islamic Finance: An Analytical and Critical Study
60) and, second, that various policy reform models "should be recognized for their political significance and their negotiability", and navigated tactically "through socio-legal inquiry" and "mobilizing a plural understanding of law" (p.