national accounting

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national accounting

(Economics) another name for social accounting
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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A five-day seminar on the National Accounting Standards for accountants and financial professionals of the Turkmenistan's Ministry of Finance and local insurance organizations has started in Ashgabat.
Marenm LLP, a national accounting and advisory firm, announced a merger with Cornerstone Accounting Group, an accounting and assurance firm focused on the real estate industry, with headquarters in NYC.
The newest addition to the outstanding Edward Elgar Publishing's 'The International Library of Critical Writings in Economics Series', and the collaborative editorial work of academicians and economists Krl-Gustaf Lofgren and Chuan-Zhong Li, "Green National Accounting And Sustainability" is a 768-page compendium featuring informed and informative articles by leading researchers and experts in the field of economics.
There has been a steady growth of interest in applying national accounting ideas to economic activity that occurs outside markets.
Muscat , May 25 (ONA) Deliberations of a seminar on the application of the National Accounting System 2008 in West Asia Region resumed today.
Nouri Jouini said thatAaTunisia's statistical priorities focused particularly on important sectors such as methodologies surveys for employment, the revision of methods of calculating poverty indicators, revision of the national accounting system, development of business statistics, monitoring of economic conditions, the revision of statistical classifications and the distribution and access to statistical information.
The rationales behind the adoption were 1) to effectively manage national assets and reflect them in national accounting, 2) to clearly show net national assets to help citizens understand the country's current fiscal situation, 3) to promote more responsible budget spending through project specific cost analyses, 4) to use various financial analysis methods of the new accounting system in making fiscal decisions and responding to fiscal situation changes, and 5) to raise transparency and management competence of the government's financial activities through double-entry bookkeeping.
It presents 18 analytical tables summarizing the principal national accounting aggregates based on official detailed national accounts data for 200-plus countries and areas of the world, from 1970 to 2007.
Paul Samuelson described national accounting as a "great invention of the twentieth century--without (which) macroeconomics would be adrift in a sea of unorganized data" (cited on p.
With this addition, the proverb covers various problems faced by National Accounting which are the subject of this book.
China: The "China Green National Accounting Study Report 2004," released by the State Environmental Protection Administration of China (SEPA) and the National Bureau of Statistics in August, is the first time that environmentally adjusted GDP has been accounted for by China.
National Accounting & Tax Symposium, Baltimore, MD

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