multinational doctrine

multinational doctrine

Fundamental principles that guide the employment of forces of two or more nations in coordinated action toward a common objective. It is ratified by participating nations. See also doctrine; joint doctrine; multi-Service doctrine.
Dictionary of Military and Associated Terms. US Department of Defense 2005.
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The selections focus on the joint, interagency, intergovernmental, and multinational doctrine and strategy of war.
Commanders and staffs of Army headquarters serving as a joint task force or multinational headquarters should also refer to applicable joint or multinational doctrine concerning joint intelligence.
McLean (USAFA; MA, Old Dominion University) is a doctrine analyst for the Joint and Multinational Doctrine Directorate of the Curtis E.
It also provides the national position for multinational doctrine and serves as a basis for multinational or interagency coordination during joint operations.
The Doctrine Branch identifies requirements for new publications, revisions to existing publications, developing and revising selected multi-Service, joint, multinational doctrine publications, and polices and governing regulations.
Directly responsible to the Air Force chief of staff for developing and publishing Air Force basic and operational doctrine, as well as joint and multinational doctrine. Stewards the Air Force Doctrine Working Group made up of major command and air staff representatives, and hosts symposiums, war games and the annual Air and Space Power Doctrine Summit.
The center was established in 1993 as the nation's focal point for joint and multinational doctrine development, computer war gaming and theater commander training.
Now let us take a broad look at multinational command relationships that take place under normal conditions within multinational doctrine.
* The author is a senior doctrine analyst in the Joint and Multinational Doctrine Directorate at the Air Force Doctrine Development and Education Center, Maxwell AFB, Alabama.
Nevertheless, like a multinational coalition or alliance, multinational doctrine is very situational in nature.
The Air Force Doctrine Center is directly responsible to the Air Force chief of staff for developing and publishing Air Force basic and operational doctrine, as well as joint and multinational doctrine. The center stewards the Air Force Doctrine Working Group made up of major command and Air Staff representatives and hosts the annual Aerospace Power Doctrine Symposium.
The Air Force Doctrine Center is directly responsible to the Air Force chief of staff for development and promulgation of Air Force basic and operational doctrine, as well as joint and multinational doctrine. The center stewards the Air Force Doctrine Working Group made up of major command and Air Staff representatives and hosts the annual Aerospace Power Doctrine Symposium.

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