military recruit

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Noun1.military recruit - a recently enlisted soldiermilitary recruit - a recently enlisted soldier    
Black and Tan - an English recruit (who wore a uniform that was black and tan) serving in the Irish constabulary to suppress the Sinn Fein rebellion of 1919 to 1921
enlisted man - a male enlisted person in the armed forces
raw recruit - an inexperienced and untrained recruit
sprog - a new military recruit
yard bird, yardbird - a military recruit who is assigned menial tasks
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
References in periodicals archive ?
These statistics underscore the need for improved HPV vaccine uptake as a primary prevention tool among military recruit populations.
Abdullatif bin Rashed Al-Zayani, Secretary General of the Gulf Cooperation Council, denounced the suicide blast that targeted a military recruit center in Aden today, killing and injuring scores of innocents.
Epidemiology of adenovirus respiratory infections in military recruit populations.Ann N Y Acad Sci.
We describe an unusual case of young military recruit with simultaneous bilateral stress fractures of the proximal tibial shaft due to military training and associated with osteoporosis.
Into 2008 and every military recruit for a decade has his or her details stolen in Edgbaston and yet red-faced bunglers fail to own up to this security nightmare for nearly a fortnight, presumably in the hope that a laptop might turn up.
Abrupt emergence of diverse species B 1 and B2 adenoviruses in US military recruit training centers.
The program began with a four-day cultural camp, followed by six weeks of basic military recruit training.
Government Remote Viewer 001 tells of the first military recruit for the government to use his abilities as a 'psychic spy' during the Cold War and beyond, following nearly twenty years of psychic spying and reissuing the classic 2002 title The Stargate Chronicles in paper.
On the Home Front, F6-10 Should the Military Recruit in High Schools?, Mr6-5 MILOSEVIC, SLOBODAN Serbia: Emerging From a Bitter Past, Ap24-10 MILITIA The Right to Bear Arms?
By KALUME KAZUNGUbrLow academic grades, poor diet and drugs have locked out dozens of youth in Lamu from joining Kenya Defence Forces in the ongoing military recruitment.More than 30 potential candidates out of the more than 200 who showed up for the military recruit at Kibaki grounds could not attain the recommended weight of 54.5 kilograms for men and 50.0 kilograms for ladies.
Transmission dynamics and prospective environmental sampling of adenovirus in a military recruit setting.
Defence Secretary Geoff Hoon has personally promised a full investigation into claims that a North East military recruit and his comrades were forced to parade naked in front of NCOs.

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