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Adj.1.mild-tasting - having a mild taste
tasty - pleasing to the sense of taste; "a tasty morsel"
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However, many people may not be aware that this mild-tasting vegetable oil also comes with side effects and risks.
Thai basil and tarragon are richly flavored, leafy green herbs -- both have the aroma of anise or licorice -- that can add interest to mild-tasting vegetables, fruits and proteins as well as sauces, dressings and other condiments.
The firm, mild-tasting flesh of the fish is the perfect canvass for the rich flavors of butter and chorizo, and the tartness of the lime that cuts through fat like a hot knife on butter.
The mild-tasting fish with a crispy exterior is a perfect flavour carrier for the garlic-crushed peas.
Rockfish, snapper and branzino have firm, sweet, mild-tasting flesh, while oilier silver fish such as mackerel and pompano have a buttery, more assertive flavor.
This means you can water more or less, depending on whether you prefer your leaves super-spicy or mild-tasting. Watering also encourages more leafy growth that's tender and succulent.
Finally, the 'Arkansas Traveler' is a sweet mild-tasting fruit that matures 90 days after planting.
Harvest pale yellow, mild-tasting fruits when they reach 12 to 18 inches long.
Sprinkle the mild-tasting seeds on fruit salads, yogurt and oatmeal.
Mutton isn't quite as tender and mild-tasting as lamb and does tend to have more fat.
And there are other mild-tasting whole grains that are the slightly nutty, sometimes sweetish, nutritional powerhouses of the carbohydrate world.