mental process

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Noun1.mental process - (psychology) the performance of some composite cognitive activitymental process - (psychology) the performance of some composite cognitive activity; an operation that affects mental contents; "the process of thinking"; "the cognitive operation of remembering"
cognition, knowledge, noesis - the psychological result of perception and learning and reasoning
basic cognitive process - cognitive processes involved in obtaining and storing knowledge
higher cognitive process - cognitive processes that presuppose the availability of knowledge and put it to use
psychological science, psychology - the science of mental life
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References in classic literature ?
She was not going through any acute mental process or reasoning with herself, nor was she striving to explain to her satisfaction the motive of her action.
They went wholly by holding the irons close to their cheeks, gauging the heat by some secret mental process that Martin admired but could not understand.
They reminded Francine, by some mental process which she was at a loss to trace, of Sappho the slave, and of her life at St.
M'Choakumchild reported that she had a very dense head for figures; that, once possessed with a general idea of the globe, she took the smallest conceivable interest in its exact measurements; that she was extremely slow in the acquisition of dates, unless some pitiful incident happened to be connected therewith; that she would burst into tears on being required (by the mental process) immediately to name the cost of two hundred and forty-seven muslin caps at fourteen-pence halfpenny; that she was as low down, in the school, as low could be; that after eight weeks of induction into the elements of Political Economy, she had only yesterday been set right by a prattler three feet high, for returning to the question,
We enter into the minds of the actors in that long-ago world-drama, and for the time being their mental processes are our mental processes.
The Celt in all his variants from Builth to Ballyhoo, His mental processes are plain--one knows what he will do, And can logically predicate his finish by his start: But the English--ah, the English!--they are quite a race apart.
Jerry, who heard, registered, and recognized many words that were as truly tools of thought to him as they were to humans, but who, by inarticulateness of birth and breed, could not utter these many words, nevertheless in his mental processes, used images just as articulate men use words in their own mental processes.
"The psychological conception [of insanity] is based on the view that mental processes can be directly studied without any reference to the accompanying changes which are presumed to take place in the brain, and that insanity may therefore be properly attacked from the standpoint of psychology"(p.
Cocky himself was the first to discover that the door was ajar, and was looking at it with speculation (if by "speculation" may be described the mental processes of a bird, in some mysterious way absorbing into its consciousness a fresh impression of its environment and preparing to act, or not act, according to which way the fresh impression modifies its conduct).
Or else he probes them with the cruel hand of a vivisectionist, groping about in their mental processes and examining their souls as though to see of what soul-stuff is made.
My mind is evidently so constituted that I am subconsciously forced into the path of duty without recourse to tiresome mental processes. However that may be, I have never regretted that cowardice is not optional with me.
"Nonsense," I answered promptly; "I don't disapprove of the boa-constrictor; on the contrary, I'm interested in his mental processes."

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