married couple

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Noun1.married couple - two people who are married to each othermarried couple - two people who are married to each other; "his second marriage was happier than the first"; "a married couple without love"
family unit, family - primary social group; parents and children; "he wanted to have a good job before starting a family"
mixed marriage - marriage of two people from different races or different religions or different cultures; "the families of both partners in a mixed marriage often disapprove"
better half, married person, partner, spouse, mate - a person's partner in marriage
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References in classic literature ?
The married couple ought also to regard the precepts of physicians and naturalists, each of whom have treated on these [1335b] subjects.
And the married couple went to spend the honeymoon in Scotland.
In fact, it is possible for a third person to be very intimate, nay even to live long in the same house, with a married couple, who have any tolerable discretion, and not even guess at the sour sentiments which they bear to each other: for though the whole day may be sometimes too short for hatred, as well as for love; yet the many hours which they naturally spend together, apart from all observers, furnish people of tolerable moderation with such ample opportunity for the enjoyment of either passion, that, if they love, they can support being a few hours in company without toying, or if they hate, without spitting in each other's faces.
Many and great were the attentions shown to Don Quixote by the newly married couple, who felt themselves under an obligation to him for coming forward in defence of their cause; and they exalted his wisdom to the same level with his courage, rating him as a Cid in arms, and a Cicero in eloquence.
'You see in me, good people,' he said, turning to the newly- married couple, 'one to whom life itself is not dearer than the two persons whom I seek.
The interval passed, and the married couple, returning to the church, walked together down the nave to the door.
The same evening we received an invitation to dine with the newly married couple. It was inclosed in a little note from Mrs.
The married couple took her over with the furniture.
The priest addressed a hasty homily to the pair on the perils of life, on the duties they must, some day, inculcate upon their children,--throwing in, at this point, an indirect reproach to Ginevra on the absence of her parents; then, after uniting them before God, as the mayor had united them before the law, he left the now married couple.
"From Oberkreuzberg, January 21st, the DONAU ZEITUNG receives a long account of a crime, which we shortened as follows: In Rametuach, a village near Eppenschlag, lived a young married couple with two children, one of which, a boy aged five, was born three years before the marriage.
Pickwick was weary of dancing, the newly- married couple had retired from the scene.
The newly married couple took a cottage on the outskirts of Edinburgh, and there Carlyle settled down to his writing.