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I suppose the "Fremersberg" is a very low-grade music; I know, indeed, that it MUST be low-grade music, because it delighted me, warmed me, moved me, stirred me, uplifted me, enraptured me, that I was full of cry all the time, and mad with enthusiasm.
Possibly the severest struggle was waged on Ophir, the veriest of moose-pastures, whose low-grade dirt was valuable only because of its vastness.
Her voice was hard, and the expression on her face suggested that in her estimation he was a particularly low-grade worm, one of the submerged tenth of the worm world.
They are a shining reproof to all low-grade German "ruby" enamels, so-called "boort" facings, and the dangerous and unsatisfactory alumina compounds which please dividend-hunting owners and turn skippers crazy.
'Average realized prices increased by 14.8 percent for low-grade ores and 1.6 percent for medium-grade ores,' it said.
A theory with clinical implications In their paper, the researchers review the evidence suggesting a direct link between inflammation and a lack of motivation, and they also propose a computational method of assessing the impact of chronic, low-grade inflammation on the amount of energy that the brain expends on behaviours driven by self-motivation.
(NASDAQ: URGN) has made a new presentation from the pivotal Phase 3 OLYMPUS trial of UGN-101 (mitomycin gel) for instillation, an investigational formulation for the primary non-surgical treatment of patients with low-grade upper tract urothelial cancer (LG UTUC), the company said.
Paediatric low-grade glioma is the most common brain tumour in children and can often be treated with surgery alone.
With the increase in ethylene production in Iran's South Pars Gas Complex, a part of the excess ethylene (about 90,000 tons) will be transported to Andimeshk through a pipeline, and the plant, currently under construction, will produce oxide ethylene and low-grade petrochemical industry products.
In the 14 patients in whom surgeons did not see any fluorescence, seven tumours were found to be low-grade gliomas while the other seven could not be assessed.
Because of the importance of the low-grade wood market to forestland owners and the forest products industry--and indeed to sustainable management of forests--we encourage lawmakers to vote to override.

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