long bone

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long bone

Any of several elongated bones of vertebrate limbs that have a roughly cylindrical shaft containing marrow.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun1.long bone - in limbs of vertebrate animals: a long cylindrical bone that contains marrowlong bone - in limbs of vertebrate animals: a long cylindrical bone that contains marrow
bone, os - rigid connective tissue that makes up the skeleton of vertebrates
endosteum - vascular membrane that lines the inner surface of long bones
epiphysis - the end of a long bone; initially separated from the main bone by a layer of cartilage that eventually ossifies so the parts become fused
diaphysis, shaft - the main (mid) section of a long bone
metaphysis - the growing part of a long bone between the diaphysis and the epiphysis
arm bone - a bone in the arm
leg bone - a bone of the leg
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References in classic literature ?
One arm of this body was above the quilt, and the wrist, huge as a rake-handle, was attached, inconceivably it seemed, to the thin, long bone of the arm smooth from the beginning to the middle.
"It begins when the growth plate, which is cartilage at the end of the bone, starts to connect the epiphysis, or bone cap, to the long bone through small calcifications.
There is little disagreement concerning the treatment of long bone fractures in children less than 5 years (POP cast) and adolescents older than 16 years (locked intramedullary nailing).
The hallmark of the disorder is dense linear striations occurring typically in the metaphysis or diaphysis of long bones. (1) The striations vary in length depending on the growth rate of the affected long bone.
Pre-clinical animal studies suggest the product is a viable alternative to bone grafts and bone substitutes in treating long bone, craniomaxillofacial, spine, dental, hand and foot/ankle defects.
2 and 3): (1) crania, (2) mandibles, (3) scapulae, (4) long bone diaphyses, (5) vertebrae, (6) ribs, (7) metapodials, and (8) smaller elements (carpals, tarsals, phalanges, and long bone epiphyses).
fractured the cat's long bone and a tendon and cut some blood vessels," Dr.
It is challenging to make a firm diagnosis on imaging when seen in unusual locations such as a long bone. We present such a case of histologically-proven IH affecting the proximal ulnar metaphysis and describe its imaging findings.
The blood supply of a typical long bone is divided into four major sets of blood vessels, which are nutrient vessels, metaphyseal, epiphyseal, and periosteal (2, 4).
Matsuno, "Benign fibrous histiocytoma involving the ends of long bone," Skeletal Radiology, vol.
Background: Wide resection margins of osseous tumors are associated with a low incidence of local recurrence, making accurate measurement of the intraosseous extent of primary malignant long bone tumors is crucial.