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v. lo·cal·ized, lo·cal·iz·ing, lo·cal·iz·es
1. To make local: decentralize and localize political authority.
2. To confine or restrict to a particular locality: localized the infection.
3. To attribute to a particular locality: sought to localize the origin of the rumor.
To become local, especially to become fixed in one area or part.

lo′cal·i·za′tion (-kə-lĭ-zā′shən) n.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun1.localization - a determination of the place where something islocalization - a determination of the place where something is; "he got a good fix on the target"
determination, finding - the act of determining the properties of something, usually by research or calculation; "the determination of molecular structures"
echo sounding, echolocation - determining the location of something by measuring the time it takes for an echo to return from it
2.localization - (physiology) the principle that specific functions have relatively circumscribed locations in some particular part or organ of the body
principle, rule - a rule or law concerning a natural phenomenon or the function of a complex system; "the principle of the conservation of mass"; "the principle of jet propulsion"; "the right-hand rule for inductive fields"
lateralisation, laterality, lateralization - localization of function on either the right or left sides of the brain
physiology - the branch of the biological sciences dealing with the functioning of organisms
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.


[ˌləʊkəlaɪˈzeɪʃən] localisation (British) n
(gen)localisation f
(COMPUTING)localisation f
Collins English/French Electronic Resource. © HarperCollins Publishers 2005


n. localización.
1. rel. al punto de origen de una sensación;
2. determinación de la procedencia de una infección o lesión.
English-Spanish Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012


n localización f
English-Spanish/Spanish-English Medical Dictionary Copyright © 2006 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.
References in classic literature ?
I think it will be found that the essential characteristic of introspective data, in the sense which now concerns us, has to do with LOCALIZATION: either they are not localized at all, or they are localized, like visual images, in a place already physically occupied by something which would be inconsistent with them if they were regarded as part of the physical world.
Fact.MR has announced the addition of the "Cellular Localization Kits Market Forecast, Trend Analysis & Competition Tracking - Global Review 2019 to 2029"report to their offering.
M2 PRESSWIRE-August 5, 2019-: Software Localization Tools Market Growing Popularity and Emerging Trends: Rex Partners, Transifex, Smartling, Localize
This marks the start of local production for side member panels-TMP's single largest localization project under the Comprehensive Automotive Resurgence Strategy (CARS) Program.
TMP President Satoru Suzuki said the opening marks the start of local production for side member panels - TMP's single largest localization project under the Comprehensive Automotive Resurgence Strategy (CARS) Program.
Greenville, SC, July 05, 2019 --(PR.com)-- IVANNOVATION Language Management has launched its new website to reflect its evolving role in the foreign language translation and localization market.
Summary: Fact.MR has announced the addition of the " Breast Biopsy Localization Wire Market Forecast, Trend Analysis & Competition Tracking - Global Market Insights 2018 to 2028"report to their offering.
Photoneo has also released its Locator software tool for communicating part positions to a robot, along with a new version of the localisation software development kit, 3D Localization SDK 1.2.2.
Lahore -- At the time when foreign exchange reserves of the country seem to be standing on a critical point, localization of different auto parts has been saving the outflow of millions of dollar from the national economy, whereas the decreasing trends in sales for last few months are still a point of concern.
Recently, the problem of the source localization in wireless sensor networks (WSNs) has received considerable attention due to its increasingly widespread application, such as in smart transportation system, monitoring systems, and intrusion target detection systems [1]-[4].
The main highlight of the conference was the expansion of localization in near future.