labial consonant

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Related to labial consonant: Dental consonants
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun1.labial consonant - a consonant whose articulation involves movement of the lips
consonant - a speech sound that is not a vowel
bilabial - a consonant that is articulated using both lips; /p/ or /b/ or /w/
labial stop - a stop consonant that is produced with the lips
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
References in periodicals archive ?
"A labial consonant, in preference M, should preceed the sound of the vowel to bring the attack upon the lips--M-ah."
The retraction of *oe to OE /a/ before /r/, catalysed by the vicinity of a labial consonant (warp 'he became', harm 'harm'), is also Anglian (found in Northumbrian and in the early Mercian glossaries, cf.
Labialization: Substitution of a labial consonant for an alveolar or interdental consonant (e.g., /[eth]e/ produced as [ve]).
The u- allomorph occurs in two environments: (a) in an open syllable before a labial consonant (which is itself followed by a vowel), e.g., [UNKNOWN TEXT OMITTED] 'and (it) died', u-vallayil 'and at night'; and (b) in a closed syllable, before a cluster of two consonants (the first of which is neither a glottal nor a pharyngeal), in which case it scans as long, e.g., [UNKNOWN TEXT OMITTED] 'and see!', [UNKNOWN TEXT OMITTED] 'and drink!', u- v anane 'and by (the) clouds (of)'.
The subscript dot for stress, apostrophe for palatalization, colon for vowel length (why?), superscript labial glide between a labial consonant and stressed /o/, and the transcription in general simply cause dismay.
In truth, the French /u/ of tout possibly occurs in English, in the male voice, when /u/ is preceded by a labial consonant. The /u/ of tout is similar to the /u/ of boo.