instrumental music

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Noun1.instrumental music - music intended to be performed by a musical instrument or group of instruments
music - an artistic form of auditory communication incorporating instrumental or vocal tones in a structured and continuous manner
2.instrumental music - music produced by playing a musical instrumentinstrumental music - music produced by playing a musical instrument
music - musical activity (singing or whistling etc.); "his music was his central interest"
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References in classic literature ?
Their technic consisted in waving their tails and moving their heads in a regular succession of measured movements resulting in a cadence which evidently pleased the eye of the Mahar as the cadence of our own instrumental music pleases our ears.
It was an evening of soothing instrumental music. The ambience was tranquillising.
The researchers found the predictive relationships between music education and academic achievement were more pronounced for those who took instrumental music rather than vocal music.
Officers were also asked to look at ways of widening the offer of instrumental music tuition.
Sharoon Bhatti, the music composer, said the basic aim was to revive traditional orchestra and spotlight instrumental music for those, who had a good taste for it.
Young Orpheus- Pancyprian Instrumental Music Youth Festival
Instrumental music, Age Group 3: Jayagopal P V, Jerin Mathew Thomas, Joel Biju Mathew.
Beginning with fifteenth-century codices containing music composed or arranged for instruments per se, including the earliest survival of written keyboard music in Faenza, the Buxheimer Orgelbuch, and the Casanatense canzoniere (possibly owned by Isabella d'Este), the second chapter embarks on an exhaustive comparison of available sources for Renaissance instrumental music. The discussion also includes a range of printed sources such as the 1507 Ottaviano Petrucci print of Francesco Spinacino's lute tablature and Claudio Merulo's Ricercari d'intavolatura d'organo (1567).
The award is conferred for outstanding contribution to 12 sectors-music, instrumental music, dance, dramatics, fine arts, recitation, photography, jatrashilpa, film, creative organizer, cultural researcher and folklore.
Auto-Tune is used throughout the music and performance industry to measure and alter pitch in vocal and instrumental music. The company was founded in 1990.
In "A Glimpse of China" the Xiamen University Arts group will present traditional Chinese dance, including martial dance, song and instrumental music. Cardiff University Chamber Choir will open the concert with songs composed by Hubert Parry.
A tentative schedule for the above festival includes: Indian Ballet Dance (Hritaal Troupe from Kolkata), November 15 to 19, 2016 Islamic Calligraphy Exhibition from November 21 to December 3, 2016 Indian Instrumental Music on January 24 to 28, 2017, India Folk Dance and Music from Jammu & Kashmir from February 10 to 14, 2017, Indian Food Festival in March 2017 and the Indian Traditional Fashion Show in March 2017.

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