
Also found in: Medical.


simple, or not ornate
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They wore every variety of dress, from that of the desperate thimble-rig bully, with velvet waistcoat, fancy neckerchief, gilt chains, and filagreed buttons, to that of the scrupulously inornate clergyman, than which nothing could be less liable to suspicion.
I 1430 690 2120 (Annelida/Polychaeta) Capitellidae V 80 220 300 (Annelida/Polychaeta) Caecum chilense II 1250 0 1250 (Mollusca) Macoma inornate III 360 430 790 (Mollusca) Nucida pisum IV 890 160 1050 (Mollusca) Ostracoda No asignado 4040 450 4490 (Arthropoda) por AMBI, asignado II por expertos chilenos Taxa ([mayor que o Centro 1 abundancia Centro 2 abundancia igual a]700 ind (ind [m.sup.-2]) [m.sup.2] ) 5 % C R Total [micron]m 1 mm Chaetozone setosa 35 65 3420 300 3720 (Annclida/Polychacta) Tharyx sp.
The taxonomic status of the inornate (unstriped) and ornate (striped) whiptail lizards (Aspidoscelis inornata [Baird]) from Coahuila and Nuevo Leton.