imperial decree

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Noun1.imperial decree - a decree issued by a sovereign ruler
decree, fiat, edict, rescript, order - a legally binding command or decision entered on the court record (as if issued by a court or judge); "a friend in New Mexico said that the order caused no trouble out there"
ukase - an edict of the Russian tsar
pragmatic, pragmatic sanction - an imperial decree that becomes part of the fundamental law of the land
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References in classic literature ?
Alexey Alexandrovitch was immediately interested in the subject, and began seriously defending the new imperial decree against Princess Betsy, who had attacked it.
When the New Testament reports an imperial decree that 'all the world' should undergo a census (Luke 2:1), the reference is to oikoumene.
In 1086, an imperial decree was issued to produce a new state astronomical clock.
On Christmas Eve we'll turn back the clock as Luke tells us of another emperor, another governor, and an imperial decree. In both stories Luke also gives us a map, like Google Maps inset on a webpage.
But out of civic duty and obedience to a legitimate imperial decree, they undertook that long, uncomfortable journey, despite Mary's condition.
As the chunks of tablet repeat the text, the museum suspects the cylinder represented, not a typical Babylonian building inscription, but rather an imperial decree that was reproduced in multiple copies and distributed widely in the empire.
By imperial decree, the samurai were placed at the very top of society, just after the lords (daimyos) whom they served, followed by farmers, artisans and merchants.
IN HIS HISTORICAL and political analysis of Vienna's Ringstrasse and the Ringstrasse zone from the Imperial Decree of 1857 down to its completion in the first decade of the 20th century, Carl Schorske drew attention to the fact that the removal of the earlier fortifications around the centre of the city and the construction of the Ringstrasse ostensibly opened up the city's connections to its suburbs.
In AD 379 there was an imperial decree, making sacrilege and heresy capital crimes.
Transylvania was one such territory; in 1692 the Uniate church was established there by imperial decree. A point to which Shore returns frequently is how the Habsburgs viewed the Jesuits as extremely useful agents for promotion of loyalty on the part of Transylvanians: political loyalty to Vienna, and religious loyalty to Rome.
Despite the excitement caused by the giraffe and the obvious benefits the Chinese derived from international trade, 19 years after the girin's arrival an imperial decree was issued limiting foreign trade and travel.