

said, done, or acting in a seemingly jokey manner, but with some serious intent
ˌhalf-ˈjokingly adv
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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Vronsky heard with pleasure this light-hearted prattle of a pretty woman, agreed with her, gave her half-joking counsel, and altogether dropped at once into the tone habitual to him in talking to such women.
'And I always tell him this-minsan half-joking but he knows I mean it-in case of emergency, use a condom.
'I will have another family,' she said, half-joking. Right now, however, she said there's no issue between her and her family.
Roth claimed that his client was half-upset and half-joking during his actions.
"This is the well from hell, girl," a coworker tells Andrea, half-joking. Once they land, Jimmy becomes concerned that BP officials, including well site leader Donald Vidrine (John Malkovich), have not carried out sufficient checks to ensure the drill is operating safely.
Although Guardiola was half-joking his arrival has spread panic among some of City's squad.
Although Guardiola was half-joking, his arrival will have spread panic amongst some of the squad, who fear the axe under their new boss.
When asked on Saturday afternoon if Elliot would be heading away on international duty given his fitness issues, McClaren -- half-joking -- replied: "I hope not, and I don't think so."
It's unclear whether she will grow up to fulfill the sort of glorious destiny I have half-joking affixed to her, but one thing is for sure: her birth, with the relative sanity surrounding it, means that baby Arlo presages an entire new era for post-teen stardom.
"Westerners are more smug," I said, only half-joking. When The Weather Channel broadcast news of icy polar blasts hammering the East this season, I glanced at my husband and saw his barely suppressed glee mirroring mine.
Sure, the Eugene osteopathic physician was half-joking, but Gutierrez, a native Cuban who left the Communist island country as a 4-year-old in 1980 and has never returned, knows that Wednesday's historic news makes it more realistic than ever that he will one day again set foot on Cuban soil.
"We used to have fights all the time - sort of half-joking fights.