go to war

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Verb1.go to war - commence hostilities
war - make or wage war
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References in classic literature ?
He thinks also that the women ought to go to war, and have the same education as the soldiers; as to other particulars, he has filled his treatise with matter foreign to the purpose; and with respect to education, he has only said what that of the guards ought to be.
All countries pledged themselves solemnly not to go to war with any other country.
He asked me, "what were the usual causes or motives that made one country go to war with another?" I answered "they were innumerable; but I should only mention a few of the chief.
We never go to war with them if we can help it, on account of their dangerous horns; but this insult was so great and so unprovoked that our brave men decided to fight, in order to be revenged," said the woman.
The young braves of the tribe, who are destitute of property, go to war for booty; to gain horses, and acquire the means of setting up a lodge, supporting a family, and entitling themselves to a seat in the public councils.
"If there was none of this magnanimity in war, we should go to war only when it was worth while going to certain death, as now.
Slaves are not allowed to go to war; but this perhaps can hardly be considered as a hardship.
Suppose you go to war, you cannot fight always; and when, after much loss on both sides, an no gain on either, you cease fighting, the identical old questions as to terms of intercourse are again upon you.
In his State of the Nation Address last week, Duterte said he is not ready to go to war as it would leave more widows and orphans.
Synopsis: "Plants Go to War: A Botanical History of World War II" examines military history from the perspective of plant science.
Washington/Tehran -- US President Donald Trump said Wednesday he hopes the US does not go to war with Iran but if it did, America's use of force would be overwhelming.
said the Philippines and China must not go to war over some kind of shellfish, but the latter should just pay for it.