genus Gypsophila

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Noun1.genus Gypsophila - Mediterranean herbs having small white or pink flowersgenus Gypsophila - Mediterranean herbs having small white or pink flowers
caryophylloid dicot genus - genus of relatively early dicotyledonous plants including mostly flowers
carnation family, Caryophyllaceae, family Caryophyllaceae, pink family - large family of herbs or subshrubs (usually with stems swollen at the nodes)
babies'-breath, baby's breath, Gypsophila paniculata - tall plant with small lance-shaped leaves and numerous tiny white or pink flowers
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References in periodicals archive ?
(4) The underground parts of the genus Gypsophila have triterpenoid saponins as a main component.
Thus, the results of this study certainly contributed to the taxonomy of the genus Gypsophila via essential oil chemistry.