force module

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force module

A grouping of combat, combat support, and combat service support forces, with their accompanying supplies and the required nonunit resupply and personnel necessary to sustain forces for a minimum of 30 days. The elements of force modules are linked together or are uniquely identified so that they may be extracted from or adjusted as an entity in the Joint Operation Planning and Execution System databases to enhance flexibility and usefulness of the operation plan during a crisis. Also called FM. See also force module package.
Dictionary of Military and Associated Terms. US Department of Defense 2005.
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Develop a comprehensive airfield database and rules to determine beddown feasibility (need to show a quantifiable impact from force module application).
The ACS planners must determine and identify the units which will deploy force module UTCs.
If we can link the UIC in JOPES to the DODAAC in GTN, we may be able to create a query that will allow users to enter an operation plan or force module identification number and one or more UICs.
A PID directly corresponds to an OPLAN or CONPLAN and contains all of the unit line numbers and force modules (described below) associated with that plan's movement of forces.
In effect, force modules provide a means of organizing ULNs (remember a ULN designates a specific force) into groups useful to commanders and staffs.
Such an effort has been recently pursued in the form of force modules. Force modules are sets of UTCs for supporting operations at a nominal location.
Force modules can be viewed as a special case of the ad hoc approach to planning.
This process of receiving forces in theater takes time, a luxury we will not have as the Army develops an expeditionary structure that is capable of rapidly deploying joint-capable force modules.
One way to give a program universality and reliability is to force modules to work the same way everywhere, which is what SAP has done.
This method combines the speed at which planning can be done using force modules with the accuracy of the ad hoc approach.
While many factors contribute to establishing and operating bases quickly, two are important to consider here: Force Modules and Basic Expeditionary Airfield Resources (BEAR).

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