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References in classic literature ?
2, 51 foll.) The Socratic method is nominally retained; and every inference is either put into the mouth of the respondent or represented as the common discovery of him and Socrates.
PARIS/ NEAR TAL SAMAN, Syria/MOSUL, Iraq: France has asked a U.S.-led coalition to launch an offensive to surround Daesh's (ISIS) Syrian bastion of Raqqa in order to prevent movements of militants between Mosul and Raqqa, French government spokesman Stephane Le Foll said Friday.
Divide sts between smaller dpn and 16" cir as foll: *SI 2 knit sts to dpn held in front, sl 2 purl sts to cir held in back; rep from * to end--34 (34, 34, 38, 38, 40) sts each held at front and back.
"Special forces are there, of course, to help and to make sure France is present everywhere in the struggle against terrorists," Le Foll told reporters.
Le Foll also said that Defence Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian, who is in Washington for a meeting of countries fighting IS in Iraq and Syria, was "preparing with the Americans a coordinated attack by coalition forces on Mosul", the key Iraqi city held by the fundamentalist organization, AFP added.
StAaAaAeA@phane Le Foll, the government spokesman, said at a news briefi on Wednesday that "everyone gets haircuts."
The Prime Minister had all trade unions leaders on the phone on Saturday, government spokesman Stephane Le Foll told France 3 TV.
"We are in a situation which is extremely worrying," Hollande said in a statement through his spokesman Stephane Le Foll on Wednesday.
[beaucoup moins que] Notre activite en 2015 a ete marquee par l'arret des activites de raffinage de la Samir au cours de l'annee 2015 [beaucoup plus grand que], declare Arnaud Le Foll, Directeur general de Total Maroc.
Le Premier ministre, Abdelmalek Sellal, a recu, jeudi dernier, le ministre francais de l'Agriculture, de l'Agroalimentaire et de la Foret, Stephane Le Foll, indique un communique des services du Premier ministre.
SELENA GO THE child sta princess, righ Swift's crown tagram with m 70million foll INDIANA JO DISNEY this w confirmed tha they are maki a fifth movie i the franchise.
PARyS (CyHAN)- France will extend the state of emergency for three months as terrorism threats remain "extremely high", the government's spokesman Stephana Le Foll said on Wednesday.