flow off

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ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Verb1.flow off - flow off or away gradually; "The water flowed off from the pipe"
empty, discharge - become empty or void of its content; "The room emptied"
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References in periodicals archive ?
Same is the case with the open drain lines where people unwittingly dump all the rubbish in the main line causing gutter flow off and on.
'At BECI we take the pressure of cash flow off your business, giving you the breathing room you need to shine in the market place,' he said
They found that two of the samples (PMO-1 and PMO-3) originated from a wildfire in Quebec and traveled to Pico in the free troposphere, while the third (PMO-2) came from low-level flow off North America and was transported in the marine boundary layer.
'What we observed during our field visit that really surprised us was that the floodwater diversion structures diverted the floodwater flow off the settlements and croplands, allowing it gushing safely through the valley,' the official explained.
"Bank loan portfolios were not as levered up at the start of the current tightening cycle compared to past ones which has afforded the industry flexibility to allow higher cost deposits to flow off balance sheets, keeping overall funding costs down.
Just remember to turn Motion Flow off to avoid the super smooth effect.
A tireless work is underway in every village with the help of Earth movers to constructof enough multiple structures in order to ensure that rain water does not flow off and gets conserved.
If the shelf loses much more area, it could result in glaciers which flow off the land behind speeding up their path to the ocean, which could have an eventual impact on sea levels - though at a very modest rate, the scientists said.
However, Barnsley could not match the containment of the Huddersfield spinners and runs continued to flow off the offspin of Holling and the leg-spin of Grindle.
If the shelf continues to break up after the iceberg detaches, the glaciers that flow off the land behind it could speed up its passage towards the ocean, which could have an effect on sea levels, (http://www.swansea.ac.uk/media-centre/latest-research/giantantarcticicebergsettobreakawaysayswansearesearchers.php) causing global waters to rise by 10cm.