first class

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first class

1. The first, highest, or best group in a system of classification: a restaurant of the first class.
2. The most luxurious and most expensive class of accommodations on a commercial airplane, train, passenger ship, or other conveyance.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.

first class

the class or grade of the best or highest value, quality, etc
adj (first-class when prenominal)
1. of the best or highest class or grade: a first-class citizen.
2. excellent; first-rate
3. of or denoting the most comfortable and expensive class of accommodation in a hotel, aircraft, train, etc
4. (Philately)
a. (in Britain) of or relating to mail that is processed most quickly
b. (in the US and Canada) of or relating to mail that consists mainly of written letters, cards, etc
5. (Education) education See first10
by first-class mail, means of transportation, etc
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014

first′ class′

1. the best, finest, or highest class, grade, or rank.
2. the most expensive and most luxurious class of accommodation on trains, ships, airplanes, etc.
3. (in the U.S. Postal Service) the class of mail consisting of letters, postal cards, or the like, together with all mailable matter sealed against inspection.


1. of the highest or best class or quality.
2. best-equipped and most expensive.
3. given or entitled to preferred treatment, handling, etc.
4. by first-class conveyance.
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun1.first class - the highest rank in a classificationfirst class - the highest rank in a classification
high quality, superiority - the quality of being superior
2.first class - mail that includes letters and postcards and packages sealed against inspectionfirst class - mail that includes letters and postcards and packages sealed against inspection
mail - the bags of letters and packages that are transported by the postal service
correspondence - communication by the exchange of letters
3.first class - the most expensive accommodations on a ship or train or plane
accommodation - living quarters provided for public convenience; "overnight accommodations are available"
Adv.1.first class - by first class conveyance; with first class accommodations; "we always travel first class"
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
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References in classic literature ?
This meant getting a First Class teacher's license in one year instead of two, if they were successful; but it also meant much more and harder work.
I do wish Jane and Ruby had gone in for First Class, too.
Where attempts have not been made to reconcile the two moralities, they may be described as follows:--All is GOOD in the noble morality which proceeds from strength, power, health, well-constitutedness, happiness, and awfulness; for, the motive force behind the people practising it is "the struggle for power." The antithesis "good and bad" to this first class means the same as "noble" and "despicable." "Bad" in the master-morality must be applied to the coward, to all acts that spring from weakness, to the man with "an eye to the main chance," who would forsake everything in order to live.
THE YOUTH'S COMPANION was certainly first class, and at that rate the three thousand words he had written that day would bring him sixty dollars - two months' wages on the sea!
SOME time elapsed before I again gave a lesson in the first class; the holiday of Whitsuntide occupied three days, and on the fourth it was the turn of the second division to receive my instructions.
Next day was appropriated to the first class; on my arrival, I found the directress seated, as usual, in a chair between the two estrades, and before her was standing Mdlle.
I saw a universal manifestation of discontent when the fumes of the repast met the nostrils of those destined to swallow it; from the van of the procession, the tall girls of the first class, rose the whispered words -
The superintendent of Lowood (for such was this lady) having taken her seat before a pair of globes placed on one of the tables, summoned the first class round her, and commenced giving a lesson on geography; the lower classes were called by the teachers: repetitions in history, grammar, &c., went on for an hour; writing and arithmetic succeeded, and music lessons were given by Miss Temple to some of the elder girls.
A few minutes having elapsed, during which Mr Squeers looked very profound, as if he had a perfect apprehension of what was inside all the books, and could say every word of their contents by heart if he only chose to take the trouble, that gentleman called up the first class.
In the first class he put the debts which he would have to pay at once, or for which he must in any case have the money ready so that on demand for payment there could not be a moment's delay in paying.
The same principle prevails also in the choice of their senate; the manner of electing which is favourable also to an oligarchy; for all are obliged to vote for those who are senators of the first class, afterwards they vote for the same number out of the second, and then out of the third; but this compulsion to vote at the election of senators does not extend to the third and fourth classes and the first and second class only are obliged to vote for the fourth.
He took the train for Walton, travelling first class, and treated with much deference by the officials on the line.

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