financial aid

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Related to financial aid: Scholarships, Student loans
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend: aid - money to support a worthy person or causefinancial aid - money to support a worthy person or cause
public assistance, social welfare, welfare - governmental provision of economic assistance to persons in need; "she lives on welfare"
philanthropic gift, philanthropy - voluntary promotion of human welfare
gift - something acquired without compensation
scholarship - financial aid provided to a student on the basis of academic merit
fellowship - money granted (by a university or foundation or other agency) for advanced study or research
foreign aid - aid (such as economic or military assistance) provided to one nation by another
grant - any monetary aid
grant-in-aid - a grant to a person or school for some educational project
traineeship - financial aid that enables you to get trained for a specified job; "the bill provided traineeships in vocational rehabilitation"
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
References in classic literature ?
At the outset of the undertaking Johnson exerted himself to secure the patronage and financial aid of Lord Chesterfield, an elegant leader of fashion and of fashionable literature.
There were a dozen requests for autographs - he knew them at sight; there were professional begging letters; and there were letters from cranks, ranging from the man with a working model of perpetual motion, and the man who demonstrated that the surface of the earth was the inside of a hollow sphere, to the man seeking financial aid to purchase the Peninsula of Lower California for the purpose of communist colonization.
which would ensure that the beneficiary women themselves would receive Rs 5,000 financial aid after every three months.
For convenience of applicants, the cheques of OPF financial aid scheme were distributed to the deserving families of deceased overseas Pakistanis through OPF Regional Ofices across the country in a simple and modest manner.
Two of the primary sources of a prospective student's financial aid information should be from the office of Federal Student Aid and the financial aid department at the university they are interested in attending.
ERIC Descriptors: Access to Education; Graduation; Higher Education; Academic Achievement; Student Financial Aid; Work Study Programs; Federal Programs; Federal Aid
Often, students will lose financial aid because a dip in their grades has made them ineligible.
Previously Hemmer served as William Peace University's financial aid advisor and loan coordinator, where she consulted with students and parents on questions and issues related specifically to financial aid, loans and monetary assistance for tuition, and other university expenses.
BEIRUT: Since Ahmad Dallal was appointed provost of the American University of Beirut in 2009, he has worked with various departments to boost the university's financial aid program, reform the admissions process, and is currently chairing a task force to revive the university's tenure system, which has been suspended since the Civil War.
With a fourth child, 16-year-old Katherine, entering her senior year of high school this fall, the Burkses set out to get the best financial aid packages they could get.
The fifth annual Massachusetts College Goal Sunday will be observed at 26 places across the state, with financial aid experts offering an overview of the process and one-on-one help filling out the multiple page forms.
Clearly, these planning ideas help avoid the expanded kiddie tax and are appropriate for students unlikely to qualify for financial aid. However, the potential combination of substantial assets held and income earned by an 18-year-old, otherwise financial-aid-eligible student, who is about to enter college, can be disastrous.

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