feed bag

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feed′ bag`

or feed′bag`,

a bag for feeding horses, placed before the mouth and fastened around the head.
[1830–40, Amer.]
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.
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He told the media that poultry feed mills owners raised the price of a poultry feed bag from Rs1800 to Rs2460, prompting hatchery owners to raise price of chicks.
It's like Toms Shoes-you buy a pair of shoes, and a pair of shoes gets donated, or a feed bag.
Mallards are easily convinced to put on the feed bag and fight to the front of the chow line.
Appreciating the step of reducing Rs 100 in 50 kg feed bag by the Livestock Department, he said it would provide a relief to farmers and consumers.
He gets 60 bags (big feed bag) of chicken manure, 18 bags of carbonized rice hull and 18 bags of water hyacinth and fresh legume leaves like kakawate, ipil-ipil, etc.
If the other horse looks like Secretariat, nobody will fill your feed bag or bet on you to win.
Normally the animals on children's farms are a) boringly fenced off and b) so over-stuffed they eye your feed bag with an expression of permanent disinterest.
So we might as well strap on the feed bag and inhale that holiday ham, because at least we'll keep our jobs, which will enable us to buy more food and become more resistible.
Other prizes donated by sponsors, included meal vouchers for the Al Dana Club and THE One, a feed bag from THE One and coupons from Marks & Spencer.
Listen to the expressive blank verse, as she describes the treatment of ponies during the 1910 South Pole Expedition: "The men wrap burlap over splitting hooves/ and rig wide shoes to fool the ice." At the poem's dose, the stately iambics tell a grim tale: "Feed bag now lining boots.
"I would just graze, but I didn't do it healthy - it was like putting on the feed bag," Fisher said.
By purchasing an eco-friendly FEED bag, available exclusively at THE One, you'll be supporting the United Nations World Food Programme's School Feeding projects.