dormer window

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Noun1.dormer window - the window in a gabled extension built to accommodate a windowdormer window - the window in a gabled extension built to accommodate a window
oxeye - an oval or round dormer window
window - a framework of wood or metal that contains a glass windowpane and is built into a wall or roof to admit light or air
2.dormer window - a gabled extension built out from a sloping roof to accommodate a vertical windowdormer window - a gabled extension built out from a sloping roof to accommodate a vertical window
window - a framework of wood or metal that contains a glass windowpane and is built into a wall or roof to admit light or air
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References in classic literature ?
"No, Bunny, I regret to say I came in through the dormer window. They were painting next door but one.
Two broad dormer windows looked out toward the Gulf, and as far across it as a man's eye might reach.
Robert went over and seated himself on the broad sill of one of the dormer windows. He took a book from his pocket and began energetically to read it, judging by the precision and frequency with which he turned the leaves.
There were no drapery curtains at the dormer windows, no pictures on the wall.
Thousands of good, calm, bourgeois faces thronged the windows, the doors, the dormer windows, the roofs, gazing at the palace, gazing at the populace, and asking nothing more; for many Parisians content themselves with the spectacle of the spectators, and a wall behind which something is going on becomes at once, for us, a very curious thing indeed.
The doctor's house, on the side facing the garden, consists of a ground floor and a single story, with a row of five windows in each, dormer windows also project from the tiled mansard-roof.
It begins at the water's edge, with a fringe of hotels, and scrambles up and spreads itself over two or three sharp hills in a crowded, disorderly, but picturesque way, offering to the eye a heaped-up confusion of red roofs, quaint gables, dormer windows, toothpick steeples, with here and there a bit of ancient embattled wall bending itself over the ridges, worm-fashion, and here and there an old square tower of heavy masonry.
Box dormer window and raised decked area at 17 Hardthorn Road, Dumfries - granted.
Martin Green: rear-facing dormer window; at 154 Cumbernauld Road, Muirhead.
Replacement of dormer window and expansion of roof terrace at 15 Barshaw House, Blairmore Avenue, Paisley ?
Officers based this finding on a proposed dormer window on the roof of the former pub, with the applicants now having amended the original plans as a result.
| D Greengrass, construction of dormer window to rear, 34, Briestfield Road, Thornhill, Dewsbury.