

(Games, other than specified) an informal tickling game played with small children
furtive; shy
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References in periodicals archive ?
(2) For example, Patricia Rozema's strikingly filmed adaption from 2000 with Frances O'Connor replaces Austen's "creepmouse" (MP 145) with an athletic, rebellious, young writer; Rozema herself admits that she found the original character in the book "annoying" (qtd.
Full cast was: Puss in Boots (Geraldine Kirby), Creepmouse (Rose Merry), The Lord Chamberlain (Anne Wadsworth), Fairy of Hope (Louise Dockray), Peter (Alex Gracey), Princess Rose (Clare Dodsley), Queen Matilda (Ruth Firth), King Hubert (Barbara Casson), Snuddles the Dog (June Pearson), Egbert (Gillian Healey), Cuthbert (Edna Fisher), Silly Billy (Bernice Hutchinson), Dame Dolly Dumpling (Jennifer Brooks), Ogre Rathbone (Frances Priestnall).
Notwithstanding its country setting and its "'creepmouse'" heroine, the world of Mansfield Park is anything but quiet and peaceful (171).