corrective maintenance

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Related to corrective maintenance: Preventive maintenance

corrective maintenance

Maintenance actions carried out to restore a defective item to a specified condition. See also preventive maintenance.
Dictionary of Military and Associated Terms. US Department of Defense 2005.
References in periodicals archive ?
In addition, the preventive maintenance is being highly recommended due to its advantages over the corrective maintenance, which is carried out only after the failure, but in standardization it has just a little support.
If it breaks at 70,000 miles, it is corrective maintenance.
The software should be capable of maintaining: * equipment inventories by age, repair costs, book value, unit numbers and aquisition costs; * work order planning/scheduling/status of work in progress; * job priority determination; * spare parts inventory and reorder system; * lubrication program and routing with equipment diagrams; * PM inspection scheduling and back-log; * corrective maintenance and life of repair analyses; * labor availability by trade or craft.
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