coronary failure

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ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun1.coronary failure - inability of the heart to pump enough blood to sustain normal bodily functions
failure - loss of ability to function normally; "kidney failure"
cardiopathy, heart disease - a disease of the heart
congestive heart failure - inability to pump enough blood to avoid congestion in the tissues
heart attack - a sudden severe instance of abnormal heart function
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cor·o·nar·y fail·ure

n. insuficiencia coronaria aguda.
English-Spanish Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012
References in periodicals archive ?
Mazhar, whose original appeal against the death sentence had been turned down by a high court years before, died of coronary failure about two years ago while still in incarceration.
"It was a coronary failure, then he drowned in the Danube," the prosecutor's office spokesman, Thomas Vecsey, told daily newspaper Kurier.
Flavonoids stop the oxidation of cholesterol, which causes arteries to harden and blood to clot leading to coronary failure.