contra danse

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Noun1.contra danse - a type of folk dance in which couples are arranged in sets or face one another in a linecontra danse - a type of folk dance in which couples are arranged in sets or face one another in a line
folk dance, folk dancing - a style of dancing that originated among ordinary people (not in the royal courts)
longways, longways dance - country dancing performed with couples in two long lines facing each other
square dance, square dancing - American country dancing in which couples form squares
do-si-do - a square-dance figure; two dancers approach each other and circle back to back before returning to their original places
promenade - a square dance figure; couples march counterclockwise in a circle
sashay - a square dance figure; partners circle each other taking sideways steps
swing - a square dance figure; a pair of dancers join hands and dance around a point between them
landler - a moderately slow Austrian country dance in triple time; involves spinning and clapping
Verb1.contra danse - perform a contradance
trip the light fantastic, trip the light fantastic toe, dance - move in a pattern; usually to musical accompaniment; do or perform a dance; "My husband and I like to dance at home to the radio"
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