contextual definition

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Noun1.contextual definition - a definition in which the term is used by embedding it in a larger expression containing its explanation; "a contextual definition of `legal duty' might be `X has a legal duty to do Y means that X is required to do Y by a contract relationship that would be upheld in a court of law'"
definition - a concise explanation of the meaning of a word or phrase or symbol
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Hallett covers both Frege's theory of definitions (rejecting contextual definition championed by Hilbert) and the resulting controversy with Hilbert on mathematical realism.
Contextual Definition and Ontological Commitment, DIRK GREIMANN
The entry for anoint with a contextual definition and functional codes placed inside the entry looked like this:
This spiral supports the ability to provide incremental satisficing solutions in the proper contextual definition. Although the incremental enhancements advance the overall systems' capabilities, the evolutionary nature of the idealized environment suggests that this process will be perpetual in nature.
Although Chernus develops Eisenhower's use of "Augustinian terms" enough to give a contextual definition, he does not provide an adequate contextual definition of the theological views of Pelagius (see especially, 104, 154).
Charles Parsons ("Wright on Abstraction and Set Theory") offers a short commentary on the previous papers, comprising a terminological agreement with Wright's insistence introducing "abstraction principle" for "contextual definition" in characterizing Hume's Principle and a worry about generalizing Wright's logicism project to all of mathematics and including set theory (p.
Though sometimes a bit far-fetched, Ship Out of Luck is suspenseful and humorous and, like the book's stand-alone predecessors, is chock full of idioms, metaphors and analogies; high-level vocabulary (with content clues and contextual definitions); pearls of wisdom; and nuggets of historical, popular, and cultural references--in short, a goldmine for any classroom.
Education scholars from Europe, the US, and South Africa address the different contextual definitions of minority; the different purposes of education for minorities, including empowerment, developing community cohesion, reducing inequalities, and promoting a sense of national identity; and the relationship between education, minorities, and their ability to access and influence policy makers.