conjoined twins

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conjoined twins

pl n
(Pathology) twin babies born joined together at some point, such as at the hips. Some have lived for many years without being surgically separated. Non-technical name: Siamese twins
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Siamesischer Zwilling
References in periodicals archive ?
The conjoined twins arise from a single ovum and are monozygotic.
Objective: To summarize our experience in the anesthetic management of conjoined twins undergoing one-stage surgical separation.
Moreover, Hadi directed the Minister of Public Health and Population to quickly transfer conjoined twins born with one head accompanied by their parents to a hospital in Saudi Arabia to perform the separation surgery.
Conjoined twins are rarely seen in medical practice, and the incidence is reported as 1 in 50.000 to 1 in 100.000 live births; 60% of these die in utero or are stillborn (1).
Saudi Arabia has gained an outstanding reputation for surgeries to part conjoined twins.
THE parents of conjoined twins who lost their battle for life two years ago have celebrated the birth of a baby boy.
THE parents of conjoined twins have paid tribute to their "little fighters".
SALAH AL-DIN / Aswat al-Iraq: A team of surgeons at the Tikrit Teaching Hospital on Saturday separated conjoined twins fused at the thorax, diaphragm, heart and liver in a landmark operation considered the first ever in Iraq, a medic said.
Body Shock, The World's Oldest Conjoined Twins TV3 - Tuesday, 10pm
The operating team was led by the country's newly named Minister of Health Abdullah Al-Rabia, famed for his operations to separate conjoined twins.
Conjoined twins are rare variants of monozygotic twins.
Mum Laura Williams, aged 18, from Shrewsbury, became the youngest person ever to give birth to conjoined twins on November 26.