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(kəˈməʊdəʊ) or


adj, adv
(Music, other) music (to be performed) at a convenient relaxed speed
[Italian: comfortable, from Latin commodus, convenient; see commodious]
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With the growing need of stronger IT security, we are happy to be supported by a market leader like Comodo CA, which has given us an edge over competition in this market.
It is also interesting to note that we observed this growth in checks during a time when some major browser vendors have actually switched off revocation checking in their browser software." said Melih Abdulhayoglu, President and CEO, Comodo, "Comodo is committed to maintaining a robust OCSP infrastructure and is also heavily involved with other major CAs in initiatives which actively improve the effectiveness of the protocol, such as the NGINX OCSP stapling project."
The Comodo organization is a global innovator and developer of cyber security solutions, founded on the belief that every single digital transaction deserves and requires a unique layer of trust and security.
1 November 2017 - New Jersey, US-based technology focussed private equity firm Francisco Partners has acquired a majority stake in Comodo's certificate authority business (Comodo CA Ltd.) to advance service to markets with digital information protection, network traffic encryption and a demand for enhanced trust in websites, the company said.
Diseno y construccion: el MA-EXTENSION es elaborado con guantes de algodon ajustable y comodo. Asimismo consta de anillos de acero en forma de aro; conectados a las bandas elasticas en un brazalete con cierre magico que se ajusta en la muneca.
Jacksonville, FL, August 19, 2016 --( BluePrint Data, the leader in high quality, OEM, integratable Internet Filtering and Parental Control security solutions, and Comodo, a Global Leader in Cyber Security Solutions announced the integration of BluePrint Data's Universal Resource Locator (URL) / Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP and HTTPs) Internet Filtering for business into the NEW Comodo Dome cloud-delivered security solution.
Companies Mentioned in this Report: Comodo, DigiCert, Entrust Datacard, GlobalSign, GoDaddy, Symantec, Namecheap, Network Solutions, Nexcess.Net,, Starfield Technologies, Verizon, Volusion, ZNetLive