common-user logistics

Also found in: Acronyms.

common-user logistics

Materiel or service support shared with or provided by two or more Services, Department of Defense (DOD) agencies, or multinational partners to another Service, DOD agency, non-DOD agency, and/or multinational partner in an operation. Common-user logistics is usually restricted to a particular type of supply and/or service and may be further restricted to specific unit(s) or types of units, specific times, missions, and/or geographic areas. Also called CUL. See also common use.
Dictionary of Military and Associated Terms. US Department of Defense 2005.
References in periodicals archive ?
The authorities of the joint forces commander, defined by the Goldwater-Nichols Department of Defense Reorganization Act of 1986, would remain unchanged regarding the delegated responsibilities of the geographic combatant commander to provide common-user logistics for all ground troops within the geographic theater of war.
The first choice is to leave the duty of supporting subordinate units with each Service, while the responsibility for common-user logistics (CUL), or the support of items or services used by more than one Service, is limited to preexisting agreements between the Services or coordinated by the COCOM's J4.
When theater Army combat service support is unavailable, the GSB is the primary common-user logistics provider for deployed Special Operations forces.
The orders give the military the flexibility to share common-user logistics among nations in order to minimize expenses and reduce the need for independent supply infrastructures.