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Noun1.collectivisation - the organization of a nation or economy on the basis of collectivism
establishment, constitution, formation, organisation, organization - the act of forming or establishing something; "the constitution of a PTA group last year"; "it was the establishment of his reputation"; "he still remembers the organization of the club"
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References in periodicals archive ?
Work & Workers uses the extraordinary Amber Film Collection as a starting point to explore the nature of Work - what it looks like, how it changes and how it is seen through the lenses of capitalism, collectivisation and how we as a society can imagine it in a post-capitalist world.
"Since the predominance of Mao's thought, after collectivisation and the Cultural Revolution, there has been a greater political pragmatism following Deng's 'opening up' reforms that recognizes the force and integration of world markets--a recognition sometimes referred to as 'post-socialism', 'market socialism' or 'state-capitalism'" (Peters, 2017: 1299).
One of the outcomes will be the new settlement of ownership relations to the plots, their registration in the land register, new tenant relations, as well as information about technical and ecological measures carried out on facilities, the ministry stated.The problems with the fragmentation of land ownership have roots in the Hungarian inheritance rights and collectivisation.
The story spans across the 1930s to the present day, with a focus on the effects of collectivisation, war and the postwar years on the Kazakh people.
Then, in the summer of 1931, he toured the Soviet Union with HJ Heinz II of the food company dynasty, producing a diary which probably contains the first usage of the word "starve" in relation to the collectivisation of Soviet agriculture.
Holland added: "George Orwell's toured the Soviet Union with HJ Heinz II of the food company dynasty, producing a diary which probably contains the first usage of the word "starve" in relation to the collectivisation of Soviet agriculture.
But Kotkin also attributes the drive for collectivisation to a broader determination to wrench the Soviet Union, no matter the cost, into a state of social and economic, albeit anticapitalist, modernity.
There is little about the politics and ideologies of the different factions and groupings in the struggles of the 1920s and 1930s, or the public Bolshevik debates about industrialisation, collectivisation, foreign policy, spreading revolution or building socialism.
resistance against collectivisation. The authors describe how simple peasants or people with little education, treated as mere tools or accessories in the grand project of building a Communist society, have turned into opponents of the regime, the fiercest since the means and instruments of repression evolved.
Thus, obscure, toxic anti-Semitic tracts still highlight the Jewish-born commissars responsible for implementing Stalin's agricultural collectivisation that caused mega-starvation in Ukraine in the early 1930s.
Aussi, Mao ne pouvait que tirer les lecons de l'histoire de la revolution russe de 1917, de l'Etat-parti qui s'ensuivit, de la collectivisation agraire et du mode de developpement industriel finance par les campagnes.