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1. A group of the same or similar elements gathered or occurring closely together; a bunch: "She held out her hand, a small tight cluster of fingers" (Anne Tyler).
2. Linguistics Two or more successive consonants in a word, as cl and st in the word cluster.
3. A group of academic courses in a related area.
v. clus·tered, clus·ter·ing, clus·ters
To gather or grow into bunches.
To cause to grow or form into bunches.

[Middle English, from Old English clyster.]
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Adj.1.clustered - growing close together but not in dense mats
plant life, flora, plant - (botany) a living organism lacking the power of locomotion
gregarious - (of plants) growing in groups that are close together
2.clustered - clustered together but not coherent; "an agglomerated flower head"
collective - forming a whole or aggregate
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
References in classic literature ?
His naturally dark complexion had been deepened by exposure to the tropical sun, and a mass of jetty locks clustered about his temples, and threw a darker shade into his large black eyes.
The sidewalks were superb marble slabs polished as smooth as glass, and the curbs that separated the walks from the broad street were also set thick with clustered emeralds.
The wolf-dogs, clustered on the far side of the fire, snarled and bickered among themselves, but evinced no inclination to stray off into the darkness.
The dogs clustered together in fear, now and again snarling menacingly as a pair of eyes drew close.
These were very numerous, for the place was thickly inhabited, and a large group of the queer people clustered near, gazing sharply upon the strangers who had emerged from the long spiral stairway.
The group of these queer creatures which was discovered clustered near the stairs at first remained staring and motionless, glaring with evil eyes at the intruders who had so suddenly appeared in their land.
About her were clustered a score of curious natives--mostly men, for among the aborigines it is the male who owns this characteristic in its most exaggerated form.
Long lines of poorly lighted streets might be faintly traced, with here and there a lighter spot, where lamps were clustered round a square or market, or round some great building; after a time these grew more distinct, and the lamps themselves were visible; slight yellow specks, that seemed to be rapidly snuffed out, one by one, as intervening obstacles hid them from the sight.
As they passed onward, parting the boughs that clustered in their way, the serenity which the child had first assumed, stole into her breast in earnest; the old man cast no longer fearful looks behind, but felt at ease and cheerful, for the further they passed into the deep green shade, the more they felt that the tranquil mind of God was there, and shed its peace on them.
But at last, to their great joy, it led downwards in a steep descent, with overhanging banks over which the footpaths led; and the clustered houses of the village peeped from the woody hollow below.
Unobserved he rose and glided away; while, awestruck by the aspect of their commander, the seamen clustered together on the forecastle, till Ahab, troubledly pacing the deck, shouted out -- To the braces!
So they came into the room together, anti clustered round Grandfather's great chair.

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