class-C amplifier

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Related to class-C amplifier: Class B amplifier

class-C amplifier

(Electronics) an electronic amplifier in which the output current flows for less than half of the input cycle
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Assuming the class-C amplifier does not reach to the saturation level and it has constant transconductance, the conduction angle should satisfy the boundary conditions given in (20) for proper operation with adequate peripheries:
The relation between the (virtual) quiescent current and drain current swing of class-C amplifier can be deduced from Figure 2 as in (22):
For a fixed [I.sub.dq] level class-C amplifier, [gamma] is a function of [I'.sub.DD] as given by (26) and [I'.sub.DD] is proportional to the driving level, k, for a constant transconductance device [19]:
Older base station equipment used single channels, each amplified individually using high power, nonlinear class-C amplifiers. The signals were improved by filtering the harmonic and spurious signals with expensive, bulky narrow-band filters.
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