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1. circle
2. circuit
3. circulation
4. circumference
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
References in periodicals archive ?
"C'est le quatrieme cancer le plus frequent chez la femme", a souligne le Circ. Cet organisme estime que si la prevention ne monte pas en puissance, cette maladie risque de provoquer 460.000 morts par an d'ici 2040.
In 2016, China's total insurance premiums rose 27.5% to 3.1 trillion yuan (US$470 billion), according to the CIRC. China has 203 total insurance entities, many of them young companies.
The second and final stage of the transaction was expected to be funded by China Development Bank (CDB), subject to receiving clearance from the CIRC. However, another earlier report from the Post says that the state-owned lender was having second thoughts about its decision to support the move.
The second and final stage of the transaction was expected to be funded by China Development Bank (CDB), subject to receiving clearance from the CIRC. However, another earlier report from the Post says that the state-owned lender was having second thoughts about its decision to support the move.Country: ChinaSector: InsuranceTarget: Ping An Insurance (Group) Co of China LtdBuyer: Charoen Pokphand Group Co Ltd (CP Group)Vendor: HSBC Holdings PlcDeal size in USD: 9.4bnType: DivestmentFinancing: Cash & Debt, Existing resourcesStatus: Agreed
Ils ont egalement decouvert un [beaucoup moins que]lien positif avec un risque accru de cancer de la vessie[beaucoup plus grand que], ajoute le CIRC. Les gaz essence, quant a eux, restent dans le groupe 2B.
(Other-paid circ was down 22.7%.) The Journal has a leg up on its peers; effective April 1, ABC's revised regulations will permit newspapers to count anything sold for a penny per copy or more toward paid circ. That change will show up in the September 2009 FAS-FAX.
In September 2002, President Bush issued an executive order to expedite or "streamline" the environmental review process for a select group of high priority transportation projects, including the Circ. This "fast track" policy may have caused the inadequate environmental review that ultimately led to the court's decision to stop construction.
"Every day we hear media reports of far-reaching decisions affecting children's lives-made by legislators, politicians, school boards, government agencies, judges, and others-ostensibly based on sound research," Ceci and Williams state in the project summary of the CIRC. "But there exists in our society a schism between the scientists who conduct sound empirical research and the decision makers who translate it into practice."
(ACG) and the magazine firm which publishes Scientific American (circ. 700,000) has made its first major acquisition.
[ILLUSTRATIONS OMITTED] ALABAMA Editorial Business Circ. Sharing?