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(Zoology) (of mammals, such as humans) having teeth with short crowns
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Considersing Janis (1988) Damuth and Janis (2011) hypsodonty interpretations Giraffokeryx punjabiensis may be categorized within the dietary spectrum of two sub-types of brachyodont browsers such as regular browsers (BB) and high level browsers (HB).
2B); molars brachyodont, cingula closing labial folds 8'.
The rooted, brachyodont cheekteeth are noticeably more heavily worn on the right side.
The studied specimens present by the following characteristics: brachyodont with rugose enamel, weak styles/stylids and entostyles/ectostylids, and weak median ribs.
The cheekteeth of porcupines are brachyodont, and wider at the midsection than at either the alveolar margin or at the occlusal surface of an unworn tooth.