black box model

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black box model

A software or hardware development method in which the developer is able to input to and receive output from the product but has no access to its internal workings.
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Moreover, the machine learning model for existing AI based on deep learning is a black box model that cannot explain the reasons behind the judgements the AI makes, creating a problem with transparency.
Robust fault tolerant application for HVAC system based on combination of online SVM and ANN black box model. Presented at the 2013 European Control Conference (ECC), Zurich, Switzerland, July 17-19.
Though the nonlinear large-signal scattering parameters based on the black box model in frequency-domain [26] can be used to model nonlinear networks, much efforts are necessary to combine this model with field-to-TL coupling theory properly.
The test pattern sets for PP faults were generated for the black box model of the circuits [7].
Comparing to black box model validation shown in Figure 11, results in Figure 13 show a similar performance.
Rather, the work set out to be a social scientific document, based in part on an elaboration of Easton's original black box model, but utilizing a variety of other theoretical and methodological devices.
In the black box model, room inputs are put into the front (inlet) of the rack and the added enthalpy outputs come from the back of the rack (outlet).
A new approach was used to develop an 'individualized' predictive black box model using this data.