benign neglect

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benign neglect

A policy or attitude of ignoring a situation instead of assuming responsibility for managing or improving it.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
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The same standards should apply, neither the benign neglect of one, nor the blind nit-picking seen too often in the latter.
Consider what this means: a fully legalised and officially sanctioned policy of 'benign neglect' towards a clear racket.
Essentially Benign neglect was a policy under President Nixon's administration by Daniel Patrick Moynihan.
In other cases, they always have the best and newest devices in clothing in a phenomenon known as benign neglect. [In any case], it is important for educators to communicate with children so that they can diagnose the full extent of the problem," Corns said.
The novel is told in a series of flashbacks by the adult Lily, who looks back with a bittersweet mixture of fondness and disgust at the benign neglect under which the girls were raised.
He proposes that British Caribbean asylums after Emancipation followed the more general pattern of life and politics in the colonies--experiencing declining economic significance, some rather half-hearted colonial benevolence, and benign neglect in terms of their practical management.
Unless they swim frequently, most dogs' ears remain healthy with a regimen of benign neglect. They rarely need to have their ears cleaned.
He challenges the idea that the Eisenhower administration had a policy of benign neglect toward Latin America and discusses the ideological and political struggle in the Caribbean Basin from 1959 to 1961 that allied Washington and Caracas against the Dominican Republic and Cuba, the growth of the Revolutionary Leftist Movement in Venezuela and the creation of the Venezuelan Communist Party and Armed Forces of National Liberation for terrorism and insurgency, the role of the Kennedy administration in confronting Caribbean communism, the confrontation between the Washington-Caracas partnership and the Cuban-Venezuelan leftist revolutionary movement, Washington's efforts against Venezuelan guerrillas, and the final collapse of the Venezuelan guerrilla movement.
The offer also makes the rounds among her classmates, leaving Ashley to face peer pressure and cutting comments on top of everything else, which includes parental abandonment issues, in her case by her Latina mother; in one friend's, the benign neglect of wealthy parents; the other a transgender teen who is rescued from her parents by Ashley's grandmother.
The property eventually fell into a state of benign neglect before it was acquired by the DeManns in an off-market transaction in July 2013.

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